
Exploration 7 : Feel With Your Heart


A posture that you are working on, you are not just doing it, you are in it. Feel with your heart.

A posture that you are working on, you are not just doing it, you are in it. Feel with your heart. Not just only in physical postures but in fact in all other activities, it teaches one to do to their capacity while always striving to extend her capacity.

Day 1 – Ways you like to feel love

Day 2 – Show your love for the earth

Day 3 – Paint a heart and offer it to someone

Day 4 – Loving-Kindness Meditation

Day 5 – Love your ‘Tree pose’

There should be a mutual understanding between parent and child on this exploration of discovery. The context is elaborated for parent(s) to guide your child into the process of self-discovery. Videos are made available as reference to guide you for better understanding that can be viewed in the members’ portal.


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