
Exploration 3 : Staying Calm


Explore yoga postures and methodologies on how to slow down and remain calm.

Slowing down in the first step in the relaxation response. It is a signal to our Central Nervous System that we are going to calm down, regulate our emotions and get back to feeling settled, and present. Explore yoga postures and methodologies on how to slow down and remain calm. Over the exploration you will discover:-

Day 1 – Slow like a Sloth

Day 2 – Take time and breath

Day 3 – Fire your five senses

Day 4 – Think happy thoughts. Shake a calming jar

Day 5 – Postures that help me stay calm

There should be a mutual understanding between parent and child on this exploration of discovery. The context is elaborated for parent(s) to guide your child into the process of self-discovery. Videos are made available as reference to guide you for better understanding that can be viewed in the members’ portal.


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