
Exploration 5: Develop Cognitive Link Through Evenness


Discover if there is a perfect balance between both sides of the body. Is there equal stretch, equal spacing, equal intensity of movement?

Let’s develop perfect balance between both sides of the body using intelligence of body (i.e. instinct, feeling) but not just strength. One has to find the median line in each posture so energy is properly distributed. Is there equal stretch, equal spacing, equal intensity of movement by working with the whole body?

Day 1 Matching activity and observing evenness between right and left

Day 2 Intensity of stretch from plane to plane

Day 3 Observing specifically between back and front

Day 4  Observing specifically from top to bottom and bottom to top

Day 5 Observing specifically from side to side

There should be a mutual understanding between parent and child on this exploration of discovery. The context is elaborated for parent(s) to guide your child into the process of self-discovery. Videos are made available as reference to guide you for better understanding that can be viewed in the members’ portal.



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